The Beaufort Book Club met on March 15th to discuss The Book Club, by Mary Alice Munroe. In this novel, Mary Alice Monroe weaves a story of relationships and friendships that are forged through a meeting of the Book Club. Eve,
The book is predictable at first but as the story progresses, the reader is led through the intertwining of lives.. Two of the characters, Eve and Doris live parallel lives. Gabby, a nurse is the most truthful and must support her family when her husband loses his job. Midge, an artist, struggles with her own problems when her mother decides to move closer to her. Annie’s behavior causes a split in the friendships but helps the women grasp what is really important in life.
Change is difficult and in the end the women realize they can and must take control of their lives. The strength and support of the their friendships helps the Book Club members emerge as stronger women.
The next meeting of the Beaufort Book Club is April 19th at 5:30p.m. The book for discussion is:
Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert