Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Questions for Killing Lincoln by Bill O'Reilly

 Source: http://wiki.answers.com
1. Describe your impression of this book. Did you have difficulty getting into this book or were
you drawn into the story from the beginning? 

 2. What surprised you the most about the story? Were you aware of all the events leading up
to the assassination? 

 3. Describe your feelings towards John Wilkes Booth. Were you apathetic? Angry?
Sympathetic? Intrigued? 

 4. What might the historic outcome have been had the kidnapping occurred instead of the

 5. Were the personalities of the individuals in the book realistic? 

 6. Mary Todd Lincoln has been historically portrayed as suffering from depression and mental
instability. How does this compare with her personality as described in this book? 

 7. Several reviewers have pointed out some historical inaccuracies. These include the
following. How do these inaccuracies affect your feelings of the book? 

a. There were several meetings in the oval office. The oval office did not exist until

b. The Ford Theater was burned in 1862 in the book. It burned in 1861.

c. In the book, the peephole in the state box door was carved by John Wilkes Booth. In
reality, it was carved by Harry Ford, manager of Ford's Theater.

d. In the book Lee and Grant met only one time to discuss terms of surrender.
Historically, they met several times.

 8. Should this book be classified as fiction or nonfiction? Historical novel or historical

 9. Do you think any of Bill O'Reilly's known political leanings have infiltrated the book or
influenced the reviews? 

10. Would you recommend this book to another reader? Why or why not?