Should you have an agent? Yes.
Is it hard to have a new editor for the second novel in your series? Probably, yes. She has not worked with the new editor yet, but the former editor has moved away.
Did she go into writing intending to write for the teen reader? No, but her "picture books" had too much text to fit into the category, so she adjusted.
Is she allowed to pick her cover art? Not really, but her editor let her give a lot of input into the one for Once a Witch. Actually, the large, chain bookstores dictate cover art, placing larger orders for those books whose covers they approve!
Carolyn gave us some insight into how her last book came to be. Imagine looking at a carved gargoyle and thinking "what if...."
Carolyn is an entertaining and articulate speaker. We were all so pleased to have her with us! Keep up with Carolyn and her books at
I hope you have all found a copy of Foods of a Younger Land, our selection for February 18. It's an interesting look at regional foods in the thirties when the WPA paid authors to investigate what people ate in this country. I read a few recipes that had survived into my own childhood passed along from my grandmother to my mother!