Tuesday, March 23, 2010

March Meeting-Digital Fortress

Stuart had some great questions for our discussion Thursday evening. You might want to consider them too.
Discuss national security and an individual's right to privacy. Under what circumstances does the government have the right to intercept private conversations? Where do you draw the line?

We all have right to keep secrets," he [Tankado] said. "Someday I'll see to it we can." (Chpt. 6, p. 33) Why did Tankado create Digital Fortress? What were his intentions? Was he right or wrong? How so?

What does Strathmore want to do with Digital Fortress? What are his intentions? Is he right or wrong? How so?

Discuss Tankado's early childhood. What effect did the events of his past have on his life? What makes Tankado's life ironic?

What does Susan think of Commander Trevor Strathmore? What does she think of Greg Hale? Do Susan's opinions cloud her judgment? In what way?

What is the significance of the ring? What does the inscription mean? Explain in detail.

What is the pass code? Who figures out the pass code, and how do they figure it out? What is the connection between the pass code and Tankado?

In addition to the above, we were intrigued by the line of 16 numbers on a blank page at the end of every copy of the novel, no matter what edition each of us used. It looked like a code. It was. Can you read the message?

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